Full-Year 2020 Results & Strategic update

“Rexel emerges from a very challenging year 2020 as a better company – more robust, agile and confident thanks to strategic measures implemented over the last 4 years. I would like to thank our employees for their support and hard work as together we restructured the company, deleveraged it, and invested heavily in digital transformation. Rexel is now harvesting the fruits of these efforts. The Group faces a persistently uncertain environment with cautious optimism, strengthened by its continuous transformation and proven ability to adapt to varied market conditions. The 2021 and mid-term ambitions we are unveiling today confirm our confidence in our ability to structurally outperform the growing and increasingly attractive electrical distribution market, fueled by structural trends such as Active Energy Efficiency, CO2 reduction and ’green energy’. Leveraging the steady ramp-up in digital transformation, we target reaching an adjusted EBITA margin above 6% in 2023, at constant scope.”
Patrick BERARD, Chief Executive Officer of Rexel